Which Wiggle Are You? Take the IAWWW quiz.

Q1. Which of the following things would you rather do?
A) Eat a big sandwich
B) Drive a red car
C) Play your guitar
D) Take a nap
Scoring: for each "A," take 1 point. For each "B," take 2 points. For each "C," take 3 points. For each "D," take 4 points.
0-1: Congratulations: you're an Anthony
2: Congratulations, you're a Greg
3: Congratulations, you're a Murray
4 or more: Congratulations, you're a Jeff
Blog is up for 3 hours and already my first spam. I may have to turn on that secret word thing I hate to keep these snakes out. Yo, anonymous, eat me.
I am an Anthony. Visit my web site. I don't sell any pharmaceuticals, and as to home remedies, well....eat a big sandwich.
I actually don't know which Wiggle I am. My idea of heaven is playing my guitar while eating a big sandwich , then taking a nap. And ideally there would be topless waitresses somewhere in the mix.
How sad is it that THIS is going to be my popular blog?
MMMM, Mashed banana and a good nap.
I am Jeff.
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