Thursday, September 08, 2005

Wiggles Rue!

I don't really have much to say about the Wiggles right now. But I want to write words in my blog like Wiggles, Disney Channel, kids TV, Wiggles, Sesame Street (the Wiggles is a cross between Sesame Street and Crowded House), Elmo, and hot Asian sex, so that Goooooooooogle's AdSense would have a better handle on what to serve in my banners. I'm ALL about the advertising; if this blog sells one piece of Wiggles merchandise to one flood refugee child, then it will all have been worth it, no?

By the way, check out my other blog. I worked out a deal where, for everyone referred there from this space, I pay myself a tenth of a penny. And vice versa.

Jeff, Murray, Anthony, and Gregg Wiggle. Wiggles!

Tomorrow (or thereafter): the whispering about Captain Feathersword...


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